Please read the following before applying:
Initiates are chat staff in training. By applying you are not guaranteed to get a position here, please do not get angry if the Creators do not select you for the position. If you are not chosen during this opening, please feel free to apply the next time applications open.
Chat Staff must be 18 or older.
Unfortunately, current staff of other chats will not be considered, our staff policy states that Serenity Staff can only belong to our staff team. However, AiR and CT members may volunteer for our team and any other chat team they like.
Please read the jobs of an Initiate here.
Initiates are trained in all aspects of the chat, art review, mediating, communications, etc. Once training is complete an initiate can choose to become either a PeaceKeeper or an Art Review member.
The Creators are very busy currently, it may take about a week for a response.
Applications are currently closed
Keep an eye out for an announcement when they re-open!
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